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Bora Amusement Park

Theme Park Guy Rating: 1.51.5
Date Visited:
December 18, 2013
Location: View on map
Bora Amusement Park Photos


One of the greatest parts of my journey is that I get to visit small amusement parks in countries where no other tourist would go look for a coaster ride. Tourists in Ethiopia would want to experience the warm hospitality of the splendid Ethiopian people, the nature, the waterfalls, the wildlife.

If there were tourists in Ethiopia.

There aren't many. Which is a shame! Ethiopia is one of the most enchanted places I have been to. The music, the nature, the people, I found beauty in everything. Just as in Bora Amusement Park, whose visitors are grateful – not cynical, for the small-sized rides provided, and whose manager was the most hospitable (although I believe he still wonders what the heck this guy with the coaster hat was about). The owner's dream is to import a roller coaster one day, which would require a comparatively substantial investment. There aren't many coasters in Africa.

Ethiopians, with their open, soulful smiles make us first world kids with our internet-connected mobile devices look like social handicaps. Visit this place!

Addis Ababa at dawn. Beautiful!Addis Ababa street settingBora Amusement Park billboard greetingApproaching Ethiopia's sole outdoor amusement parkFerris wheel behind the bushesBora Amusement Park in its entirety, seen from an adjacent buildingBora observation wheelList of attractionsEntrance is free, but you've got to pay for each ride separately!It's a very small fun fairEmpty on workdays, packed on weekends!"8-D" cinema made in ChinaInside the 8-D cinema, the park's most cutting-edge installationPrice for a multi-D cinema ticket. Looks expensive, but the Ethiopian birr is weak!The currency that looks like the Mummy RideThis ferris wheel is FAST!Lone rider taking picturesYou can see nearby Addis Ababa airport from the top of the wheelBora Amusement Park viewExpansion! The structure at the front will house a mall and an indoor park.The manager, the driver and the waitressThe cheerful locals and the silly touristPark employee reciting a self-penned poem. Where else in the world does that happen?Ethiopia is a young country full of soulful people
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